When we all did our new years resolutions for 2020 we definitely didn't expect this! 2020 is definitely different than any other year.
It has allowed (or forced) many of us to work from home and spend more time with our families. With this new process it has also forced us to have a more organized life, so here are some tips to stay organized while working from home to increase productivity and efficiency.
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how to stay organized while working from home

Plan Your Day

Pick 1-4 days a month to sit and plan your week/month out.
We’ve created a Planner Mode Day playlist here for you to jam out while you plan. This playlist includes upbeat and softer music depending on what you like.
We will update this playlist monthly for you all to switch it up and jam to what we at Planner Mode love to jam to!

Have Time Blocks

Try to block off times during the day where you’re working on the things that you need to get done. When I’m feeling overwhelmed with multiple deadlines within the same week I like to take my planner to do list page and write everything I need to get done and the amount of time I’m going to spend on each task.
You’d be surprised that this has actually worked for me. I couldn’t believe it either when I had 6-10 things on my list for the day and I finished them all. There’s something so satisfying to crossing things off of a list once they’re done.

Stay Consistent

By creating a schedule that you stick to; you create a routine for not only yourself, but others. By having time blocks (like mentioned earlier) it allows others to see that you are busy and shouldn’t be interrupted during those blocks of time while you’re working on something or just relaxing.

Learn to Say “No”

2020 has brought a lot of changes into my life and I’ve had to say “no” more than I did before. There are 2 reasons for this.
  1. Sometimes people want us to do things at a drop of a hat and on their time.
  2. Other responsibilities are present and time simply can’t be made for things that interfere with what needs to be done first.
I’ve really had to prioritize what’s important and what can wait. 
Saying “no” (when needed) allows for efficiency to kick in. It’s also important to note that sometimes saying “no” is a part of your self-care process, which our Lifestyle Forever Planner includes a section for in our daily planner printable. Self-care comes first because if your cup isn’t full, then you can’t take care of other people’s needs properly.

Organize Your Desk

I always feel like I’m in a better place when my desk is organized and clean. I blame the Libra in me. I’m definitely not the tidiest person in the world, but I typically have an organized and cleaned desk to work on. This way I know where everything is and I’m not spending a large chunk of time just looking for a piece of paper. Trust me when I say a clean desk will make you more productive and you’ll feel a sense of relieve! Our WFH must-haves are super helpful in making sure you're ready for the work from home life.

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